With the news of an upcoming W00tstock show in Boston (Halloween night no less!), and the countdown started for next year's PAX East, I'm already starting to geek out. This totally helped:
This cannot be said in 140 characters or less, so it's a blog post instead.
I, like @wilw's many followers on Twitter, saw last night's exchange between the two of you. I believe there is a disconnect between what you were looking for, and what the twitterverse gave you. @wilw is not a geek/gamer political figure, per se. He is however, a huge role model and a person of influence in the geek/gamer world. He represents us primarily by BEING one of us. He lives and breathes geekdom. He does not hide that fact. He promotes the normalcy of geeks and gamers in everything he does, from his books to his appearances at conventions and shows like W00tstock. He is obviously not alone in this, but there is a reason why @wilw was made Secretary of Geek Affairs. Big names like @wilw and @feliciaday make the rest of not only feel that it is ok to be geeks, they make us proud to be geeks.
It is unfortunate that your conversation went the way that it did, but truly if you want to follow someone just living the life of a geek, @wilw is the person to follow.